This is just a space for my class notes.

I work with advertising and public relations students in the School of Journalism and Strategic Communication at Ball State University.

Many times I’m looking for a a space to park notes that might be important across classes, and duplicating and importing notes into Canvas doesn’t always serve this purpose.

Lee Clow's Wisdom
When writing copy, start with the one message you absolutely have to get across. Then stop.
Baby Steps are for Babies, Not Brands. Be Amazing or Be Surpassed.
Creative that reflects the brands voice means little if the media placement doesn’t do likewise.
Most ideas are a bit scary, and if an idea isn’t scary, it’s not an idea at all.
What I’ve always loved to do is build a brand that’s so cool that you want to wear their T-shirt.
A thing that most creatives don’t do well is that you’ve gotta learn to listen.
Telling people they’re going to love something is a sure signal they probably won’t.
If it’s important enough to say it with an ad, it’s important enough to say it without a pun.
While “it” and “something” can both be anything, “just do it” is everything and “just do something” is not. See, copy does matter.
While “it” and “something” can both be anything, “just do it” is everything and “just do something” is not. See, copy does matter.