A Basic Planning Structure
Our typical planning process
contains 4 major sections
Find a quick summary below.
Scroll to find more details and questions your team should ask.
Action Planning

The 3 Staples

Not necessarily in this order..

  • Your client
    • Don’t turn this into a Wiki page, or make it feel like you’re reading from their mission statement. Who are they, really, or how do people perceive you?
  • The competition
    • Again, not a Wiki page, but how are they really similar/different, and/or how are they perceived.
    • If someone covered up their logo, how would they know they are using your brand vs this competition.
    • Or are they virtually the same?
  • The marketplace
    • Growing? Shrinking?
      • What might be the reason for the change?
    • Has the economy or pandemic changed things?
  • The goal is NOT to list too many facts. You want to use these to illustrate your points or story. Include some primary and secondary information, but don’t try to pick 20 facts for 2-3 minutes of your presentation.
  • Instead, 8 well chosen facts that link together and paint a story will be more powerful than 20 things thrown together.


  • Give some hint at goals charged by your client
    • Or you can wait to include this in the action plan.
    • Awareness?
    • Conversions?
      • These are really two separate things. What you do to make people aware of who you, what you offer is NOT necessarily the same thing as making people feel like you are their “go to brand,” or consider trying you out or make you more loyal.
    • If they’ve asked you to do both, you are going to have to consider different messages for each goal, different outcomes, and that probably is going to mean different KPIs.
  • How do people find your brand, or stumble across your brand category?
    • This may say a lot about you AND the competition.
    • You might want to say SEO within Google or a social media platform. Great. But what made them look for you in the first place? Did they see people using your product as they were walking by? Were they on a lifestyle or health blog?
    • What is that first Trigger point?
    • Again, this could also be part of the Action Plan under Pain Points.
The order.
  • Agains, there is no universal way to get started.
  • So try thinking about a story or journey you’d like to tell.
Consider creating a SWOT.
  • You might just use this internally, but what are the existing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of/to the brand?
  • Or, consider making a SWOT of their current communication plan to better understand who they are, and how they are different from the competition.
Conduct an “Audit” of their assets.
  • Get in the weeds.
  • Compare and contrast the tone (soft and big picture, brand feel, or more elevated calls to action?
    • Or do they include their calls to action on Instagram in a second paragraph that falls after the “more” button. This might mean for people who skim, the posts feel “soft,” whereas for those that dig deeper and engage (clicking the more), they feel the push.
  • Do they use images of individuals using the product, or are there a lot of “group” shots?
  • Is the product the feature of the post, or is it the people?
  • There are a million things you could look at.
  • Then go use their website as if you were mildly interested, and then again as a more serious user. Does the website seem too pushy? Or does it seem very informational, but with no push to buy?
    • How does this stack up to the competition?
  • Lastly, consider going to their Meta Ad Library. What do you see? Do you notice their organic posts now seem soft, and the paid ads are pushy? Or vice versa?
action planning

Lots of little things. Sometimes each is only a few sentences long.

  • Goals
  • A more formalized version than you might have alluded to in the Research section (if you did this).
  • Objectives
    • Make sure they are SMART.
    • Probably tied to KPIs, but at the start you can write something broader.
      • “Persona #1 is already health conscious and looking for ways to improve their health and quality of life. Improving their SEO experience will be key.”
      • “Whereas Persona #2 needs to be introduced to the product category, and have the benefits explained to them They will need heavy doses of category and brand awareness before they are ever interested in searching for a specific product.”
  • Who is the target?
    • You might find this easier to explain if you put the target in front of the goals and objectives, as you might have slightly different goals for each.
    • Normally shown as 3 or so Personas.
    • Remember to keep them broad enough to think of as a human being, rather than a bulleted, checklist of research facts.
    • Bring them to life.
  • Creative Brief Elements
    • Why do they like us, or What’s keeping them from loving us?
    • What is the Human Truth or Pain Point?
  • What is the Big Idea?
    • How did you derive this, and why should it matter to the rest of the campaign?
  • Journey
      • Some kind of explanation of what a person needs to see to either have their mind changed toward you, or to reinforce this.
      • This probably also includes some rough thinking about how much repetition you might need in both passive and active channels.
      • Just a hint of it here is appropriate. You will include a more formalized version of this in your evaluation section.
SMART Objectives
  • Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound

A few poor examples…

  • I want more website visitors.
  • I want a higher level of brand awareness.
  • I want a better brand reputation.

Better examples…

  • We would like to increase the number of inquiries that come from our marketing communications efforts by 15% by the end of October this year.We need to raise up brand awareness in the second half of 2022 by increasing the number of recommending influencers from 5 to 12.
  • We want to increase our market share from 20 to 30% for Product A within 2 years.
  • We aim to increase our website leads by 30% via Social Media Marketing and Blogging by the end of October 2022.
  • To increase followers of our Facebook company page to 1000 by the end of the 2nd quarter in 2022 through increasing frequency of posting by 50% and optimizing targeting.
  • To increase our email subscriber list by 30 percent within 3 months by providing a new e-book for free download.
Persona Examples
  • https://stratcommstuff.com/personas/
Creative Brief examples.
  • On the “Better Briefs” section, note what they wrote for the (2) Target (a persona), (5) Consumer Insight (Big Idea), (4) Pain Point, and (8) main message. You could use this last one as some kind of explanation for your halo or umbrellas.
  • https://stratcommstuff.com/creative-briefs/
  • And on this link, they go into even more detail: https://stratcommstuff.com/the-good-and-the-bad-of-the-creative-brief/

Getting ready to show your solutions.

  • What elements will you use in a PESO Mix?
  • You might want to include a brief overview of this at the end of your Action Plan so you can just jump right in at this point. Perhaps put this as part of your Journey. Or, lead this section with this brief overview.
  • Show each major element
  • This is why they asked you to participate.
  • Use a mockup.
    • How does this solve the problem or highlight an opportunity from your Research and Action Plan?
  • If it’s a key element, show multiple examples.
  • If it’s a supporting item, just show one, but you could include a list at the side that indicates how these might vary (seasonal, different ages, etc.)
  • ———–
  • Explain what it’s being used for
    • Perhaps Awareness
      • “These Instagram posts will be used to create broad awareness of the benefits of …”
    • Perhaps Conversion
  • Show who the target is.
    • Is it everyone, like an umbrella messages that covers all of the targets?
      • Or is it just for 1 or 2 personas?
    • This can easily be done with a graphic or colored dot that represent each.
      • Assume your 3 personas each have a different colored background (Blue, Green, Red). You could put a Blue and Red dot bside one of the elements to indicate it’s only meant to reach 2 of the 3.
    • Some media may be used to connect with only one target, while others might be used for all three.
For Social…
  • Indicate how the organic, Owned media posts will differ from the Paid ones.
  • Will you suggest to soften the Owned posts, while provide more pushy CTAs on the Paid ones?
  • Will you ask the client to organically post more Owned messages about Topic A or B?
For Paid…
  • How are you going to get in front of someone?
  • You probably need to consider something like Pew’s stats on who uses what.
  • But that’s just for social media ads.
  • Are people really going to social media to check out your product in a category they’ve never owned? That’s doubtful. They are their to look at cat videos, messages from friends, etc.
  • So what are other options? Maybe consider…
    • Native Ads (“other stories” that might interest you;
    • Digital display ads on a lifestyle, parenting, or health blog/websites
    • Streaming ads on Hulu, ParamountPlus, Nat Geo, HGTV, etc. Think about content they may be consuming.
    • Spotify for music or podcasts? Maybe your “thing” is visual and this might be a tough swing, but do they listen to things right now, and would they be likely to do so while using your thing?
What will you do for Conversions? Most webpages “convert” only 2-3% of the time, especially on your first visit. That means 97-98% of your people are rejecting to convert (donate, or buy). Are you going to let them just disappear, or do something about keeping them on the page, or get them to return?

3 Common website “conversion” bumps”

  • 1) Consider your organic SEO (which also means you should consider this for your Paid, as well).
  • 2) Tie your “ads” or “triggers” to a specific page/section on the website.
    • This may be harder to do with social, than with other things, but you can link a digital display ad about “what an ebike can do for you” or “common misconceptions” so that when it is clicked, the user automatically goes to that specific section or block, not just the homepage.
  • 3) Consider follow-up reminders either via capturing their email, or through the use of a modal or popup when they try to leave the page.
    • Yes, some U/X people don’t like these, but modals can 3x the effectiveness of the process if you don’t over do them.

Little Things

What did you learn from your audit?

Remember, this needs to include some looking at the competition. No, you’re not trying to steal their ideas (although a ton of social media gurus section swiping their ideas is a good thing). Your client doesn’t buy or donate from you in a bubble. What other options might they be considering, and how do they explain or persuade?

Mockup Generator – Bring it to life!

At the very least, considering using this one:

Here are some others:

  • Using just one mockup for an element that is not a big part of the mix. But you might want to include a bulleted list beside it indicating 2 or 3 other “content” areas you might include.
  • But for items that are your “stars,” maybe you might want to make 2 or 3.
Owned – How will the website impact the user?
  • Do you see new content on their web? (I do).
  • Does the website feel like it’s making you shop too early? Are there certain questions, pain points, or fears a person might experience before trying? What kind of new content could they create to quell these?
  • https://www.similarweb.com/website/radioflyer.com/#overview
  • Go check out the (a) Audience and (b) Marketing Channel sections, and do so for the competition. What do they tell you?
  • Social can be decent for building brand and category awareness, but does little to convert or get people to your Owned website. Bottom line, if only 3% are moving from social to your site, what are those other 97% doing? What was their trigger?
Consider Conversions
  • It is now the responsibility of people to not just make website, but to close the loop.
  • What are you doing about this?
Halo and Repetition
  • Setting your campaign up to deliver a message one-time is just ridiculous, bad form, and not realist or professional.
  • Do they need to see something 1x, 3x, 7x, 10x+?
  • Would this be the same for all of your personas, or would you estimate one of them might need half the normal, whereas another one is tougher to convince, and might need up to double what others need?
    • Bottom line, don’t just view your 250 million impressions as something to do once. Maybe you need to reach 50 million 5x, or 25 million 5x, and a different 25 million 10x.
    • Moreover, do you need to spend 50% of your budget on “awareness” building message, and the other 50% on reminders and attempts to get them to go directly to the website and convert by buying, trying, or just poking around?

Wrapping it up.

  • What would a timeline look like?
  • Show a Consumer Journey Map
  • How much is spent on each platform?
  • What would the # of repetitions looks like?
  • What would be the total impressions for each, and the repetition?
    • Impressions by each PESO
    • Cost for each PESO
  • How will you know if you reach your Objectives stated in “A”?
Shorter Summary

Not necessarily in this order..

  • Your client
  • The competition
  • The marketplace
    • Growing? Shrinking?
    • Has the economy or pandemic changed things?
  • Give some hint at goals charged by your client
    • Awareness?
    • Conversions?
  • How do people find your brand?
    • SEO?
    • ———-
  • Consider creating a SWOT.
    • You might just use this internally, but what are the existing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the brand, OR the brand’s current communication plan?
    • Implement an audit of current digital and social assets.
Action Planning
  • Goals – A more formalized version
  • Objectives
    • Probably tied to KPIs
  • Who is the target?
    • Normally shown as 3 or so Personas
  • ———-
  • Creative Brief Elements
    • Why do they like us?
    • What’s keeping them from loving us?
    • What is the Human Truth or Pain Point?
  • What is the Big Idea?
    • How did you derive this, and why should it matter?
  • ———-
  • Journey
    • Some kind of explanation of what a person needs to see to either have their mind changed toward you, or to reinforce this.
    • This probably also includes some rough thinking about how much repetition you might need in both passive and active channels.
  • What elements will you use in a PESO Mix?
  • You might want to include a brief overview of this at the end of your Action Plan so you can just jump right in at this point. Perhaps put this as part of your Journey.
  • Show each major element
  • This is why they asked you to participate. What will you do to solve the problem or highlight an opportunity from your Research and Action Plan.
  • ———–
  • Explain what it’s being used for
    • Perhaps Awareness
    • Perhaps Conversion
  • Show who the target is.
    • Is it everyone, like an umbrella messages that covers all of the targets?
      • Or is it just for 1 or 2 personas?
    • This can easily be done with a graphic or colored dot that represent each.
    • Some media may be used to connect with only one target, while others might be used for all three.

Or for NSAC Purposes, the Media Plan

  • How much is spent on each platform?
  • What would the # of repetitions looks like?
  • What would be the total impressions for each, and the repetition?
  • How will you know if you reach your Objectives stated in “A”?
  • What would a timeline look like?
  • Impressions by each PESO
  • Cost for each Peso